Cashew nuts are a type of food that is beneficial to human health in improving health and controlling weight effectively. In addition to bringing health to humans, are cashews really good for cats? Perhaps these are the things that cat owners need to know and note when giving their cats cashews. Here, we will answer the main question “Should you feed your cat cashews?” right here in this post.
Should Cats Eat Cashews?
Answer: YES! and You can absolutely feed your cat cashews. Cashews are an extremely nutritious food source for cats. Cashews are verified by animal nutrition experts, the Cats can eat cashew nut kernel or cashew butter for cats to change their weekly diet. However, the dose used in the diet must also be considered and tested to avoid a bad case when you cats eat too many cashews at the same time.
=> Related Article: Can Dogs Eat Cashews? Are Cashew Nut Kernels Bad For Dogs?

Cat Eating Cashew nuts and they will love them.
Are Cashews Bad to Cats?
Cashews are not Bad for your cats! but in fact, cashews are not really a food that brings much nutritional value to cats. According to some studies, cats have poor absorption of plant-based foods such as vegetables and seeds. Therefore, you should feed them only a small amount of cashews is fine. Note that only adult cats from 3 years old and older can eat cashews with a low frequency of 2 times/month, each time up to 2 – 3 nuts.
Applying cashews at the right dose and time will help your cat feel happy. In addition, you can also use unsweetened cashew butter in combination with cat foods such as nutritious food seeds, fish meat, pate,…
Can Kittens Eat Cashews?
According to many reviews from cat breeders, it is absolutely not advisable for kittens to use nuts such as cashews and other nuts for one of the following reasons:
At a young age, kittens are not fully developed, so consuming hard foods like cashews is completely impossible and can be harmful to your cat. The use of cashews can cause them to choke because of the fact that the cat’s tooth tissue is quite small and sparse compared to other animals such as dogs. Therefore, cats have a lot of difficulties chewing and mixing food. Therefore, you need to be careful to avoid giving your kittens cashews and some other hard nuts.

Cats eating cashews can choke if you feed them Hard Nuts – Kimmy Farm Vietnam
Negatively affects the stomach
Cats are animals with poor digestive systems compared to other animals, especially kittens. Therefore, considering the menu for cats is very important. Using cashews too often will cause your cat to experience dangerous symptoms related to digestive disorders. Not only cats if our children consume too many cashews can also have the same situation. Therefore, the most important thing in the article we want to emphasize is that you should consider the dose of cashews for cats as well as not using cashews for kittens.
=> Related Article: Side Effects If We Eating Too Many Cashew Nuts

Cats are animals with poor digestive systems compared to other animals, especially kittens.
Negative effects on teeth
What happens when kittens consume cashews? Kittens are not old enough to handle hard foods like cashews. That will make their teeth grow slowly and even break easily. You should give the kitten soft and easy-to-chew foods such as cashew porridge, soft fish meat, cashew butter…

You should give the kitten soft and easy-to-chew foods such as cashew porridge, soft fish meat, cashew butter …
Tips When Feeding Cashews to Cats
Feed the right amount:
As mentioned above, only moderate amounts of cashews should be given to your cat. Feeding the right amount of cashews will help your cat feel happier, and limit diseases such as digestive disorders, and especially pancreatitis.
The most common symptoms of pancreatitis in cats include:
- Fever (above 39.5 degrees Celsius).
- Comatose.
- Vomiting.
- Diarrhea.
Do not use poor-quality cashews
Cat nutritionists recommend not using salty or sweet spices in cat food. Especially when using cashews, it is necessary to select raw cashews that are not seasoned with other spices. When cats use too much spice, it will affect kidney inflammation and even death.
=>Related Article: How To Check Quality Of Cashew Nut Kernels? – Kimmy Farm

Cashew nuts with a lot of salt and poor quality can be harmful to your cat
Avoid using Big Size Cashews
Recommended that you only use small-sized cashews or broken cashews, so that your cat is easier to chew and swallow. Importantly, when feeding cats, it is necessary to pay attention to separating the cashew nut silk shell to avoid choking the cashew testa (silk shell) in the cat’s neck. In addition, cashews can be replaced with cashew powder when added to make cat pastes. Therefore, you should buy W320 cashew, and W450 cashews to avoid buying too large cashews that can cause indigestion for your cat.
=>Related Articles:
- What Difference Between W450 Cashew vs W320 Cashew?
- What Difference Between W320 Cashew vs W240 Cashew?
- Whole Cashew vs Broken Cashew? Which is Better?

Only buy W320 cashew, and W450 cashews, avoid buying too big Size of cashews that can cause indigestion for your cat.
Foods should and shouldn’t Feed Your Cats
Avoid Giving Your Cat:
- Chocolate.
- Raisins.
- Fruits of oranges, lemons, grapefruits.
- Yogurt.
- Aromatic herbs.
- Sugary confectionery.
- Raw animal meats.
- Raw Animal bones.
- Sausage and bacon.
- Onions and Garlic
- …

Some Foods You Should Avoid Giving Your Cat
Types of food suitable for cats:
- Meat is cooked.
- Fish is cooked
- Meat pate.
- Root vegetables such as carrots, and squash (cooked).
- Prepared nutritious nuts.

A brand specializing in the production and export of agricultural products in Vietnam. We have a black soldier fly farm in Tay Ninh and a cashew growing area in Binh Phuoc. The main export products of the company are: cashew nuts, cashew nut kernels, black soldier fly, frozen seafood, shrimp, prawns, catfish… from Vietnam.