Cashews are a type of nut that creates many unique dishes such as cashew soup, burnt garlic cashews, salted roasted cashews, and butter roasted cashews,… In addition, cashews can also replace peanuts to make delicious and greasy cashew butter. Is it easy to make cashew butter? Follow our article to make simple cashew butter at home!

=> Related article: Cashew Butter vs Peanut Butter and Which One is better?

What Is Cashew Butter?

Cashew butter (English: cashew nut butter, cashew cheese) is a delicious butter with extremely high nutritional value that is loved by many countries around the world. Cashew butter is usually made from broken cashews, and crushed cashews… then pureed, and mixed with a little spice to make butter. Often, cashew butter will be served with a sandwich, which is a great breakfast food that provides energy for those on an eat-clean diet. Cashew butter has many health benefits thanks to its high content of magnesium, fiber, and vitamins… That’s why they are used directly or as ingredients in making cashew milk, cookies, etc. You can make Cashew butter at home or purchase it at the Supermarket is available.

=> Related article: Top 10 Cashew Products We Love & Eat Every Day

What kind of cashews is butter made from?

Cashew butter (English: cashew nut butter,cashew cheese) is a delicious butter with extremely high nutritional value loved by many countries around the world.

Cashew butter (English: cashew nut butter, cashew cheese) is a delicious butter with extremely high nutritional value loved by many countries around the world.

Does eating Cashew Butter Cause Weight Gain?

Eating cashew butter Cause Weight Gain? it depends on whether you use a little or a lot. In fact, every day you should only use 2-3 / teaspoons of cashew butter will absorb the digestive system to help the body increase energy. On the contrary, using too much cashew butter can lead to symptoms of indigestion and loss of weight control. In addition, if you are in the process of losing weight, using low-sugar or sugar-free cashew butter will support weight loss more effectively.

=> Related article: How To Gain Weight Quickly, Effectively With Cashew Nuts

Cashew butter is a food with many nutritional values ​​that can be used to lose weight

Cashew butter is a food with many nutritional values ​​that can be used to lose weight

How long can cashew butter be stored?

Storing cashew butter for a long or short time will depend on the storage temperature. If cashew butter is stored in conditions outside the refrigerator, it can last for about 1 week. If they are kept in the refrigerator, they can last for 3 to 4 weeks. Therefore, you should store cashew butter in the refrigerator at an ideal temperature of 6 degrees Celsius. Although canned cashew butter is supposed to last longer, fresh homemade cashew butter has a taste. Delicious and no other preservatives added. Therefore, we encourage you to use handmade cashew butter to ensure health.

The shelf life of cashew butter is:

  • At room temperature: 1 week.
  • In refrigerator conditions: 3-4 weeks.

=> Related article: Cashew Milk – A Healthy Alternative to Regular Milk

In the conditions outside the refrigerator cashew nut butter can stay fresh for about 1 week - Kimmy Farm Vietnam

In the conditions outside the refrigerator, cashew nut butter can stay fresh for about 1 week – Kimmy Farm Vietnam

Can dogs eat cashew butter?

Answer: Absolutely! Dogs can eat cashew butter. Cashew butter dogs are known to be a non-harmful food for dogs. However, there is also no conclusion that cashew butter brings many benefits to DOGS What you need to keep in mind is that feeding them the right amount of cashew butter and only using unsweetened cashew butter will be good for your pet.

=> Related article: Can Dogs Eat Cashews? Are Cashews Nut Bad For Dogs?

It is completely possible to use cashew butter for dogs. Cashew butter is known to be a non-harmful food for dogs.

It is completely possible to use cashew butter for dogs. Cashew butter is known to be a non-harmful food for dogs.

Can cats eat cashew butter?

Answer: YES! and You can absolutely feed your cat cashews. Cashews are an extremely nutritious food source for cats. Cashews are verified by animal nutrition experts, the Cats can eat cashew nut kernel or cashew butter for cats to change their weekly diet. However, the number of cashews used in the diet must also be considered and tested to avoid a bad case when your cats eat too many cashews at the same time.

=> Related article: Can Cats Eat Cashews? YES! That OK To Feed Your Cats

Cat Eating Cashew nuts and they will love them.

Cat Eating Cashew nuts and they will love them – Kimmy Farm Vietnam

Cashew Butter Benefits

Cashews are an attractive nut that people enjoy eating, whether it’s raw or in nut butters. Cashew butter is made by grinding cashews into a butter-like consistency. Cashew butter is nutritionally similar to peanut butter. Cashew butter also contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered to be healthy fats. Having a balanced intake of these acids is beneficial to your health. Cashew butter is also high in fiber, which helps you to feel full longer, so eating cashew butter may help you lose weight. Cashew butter contains several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, copper, manganese, and phosphorous. Cashews are a nutrient-dense food that contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fats. Some of the cashew’s most important nutrients include the following:

  • Copper: Copper is an essential mineral that is involved in the formation of red blood cells. It also aids in oxygen transportation and can help to boost your immune system.
  • Manganese: Manganese helps to regulate blood sugar, reduces inflammation, and can boost your immune system as well. Manganese deficiency can put you at risk of various diseases and conditions, including osteoporosis, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium helps to regulate blood sugar, promotes healthy and strong bones, and can even improve your mood!
  • Vitamin K: Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and healthy bones. Some studies suggest that diets with low vitamin K levels may increase the risk of heart disease.
  • Phosphorus: Phosphorus is an essential part of bones and teeth. It helps to keep bones strong and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Folate: Folate is a B vitamin that is critical for proper cell reproduction and growth. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate and is often added to grain products, such as bread. However, folate is the form found in foods, and whole grains are some of the best sources of folate.
  • Potassium: Potassium can help with better heart health and may even lower blood pressure.
  • Zinc: Zinc helps your body metabolize protein, carbohydrates, and fats. It can also help to speed up wound healing and reduce symptoms of the common cold.

=> For More Info: What Time To Eat Cashews Is Healthiest?

Cashew butter contains several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, copper, manganese, and phosphorous.

Cashew butter contains several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, copper, manganese, and phosphorous.

Rich in healthy fats

Cashew butter is a type of butter that contains fat in the form of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very good fats for heart health. In addition, this type of fat also has a protective effect on the body to help the body fight diabetes, high blood pressure, and weight gain… From there, it helps to increase life expectancy and human health. In addition, monounsaturated fat also helps the body remove toxic substances, detoxifies the body, and helps support the metabolism of nutrients in the human body.

=> Related article: Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Cashew Nuts | Kimmy Farm

Cashew butter contains many healthy fats for the human body

Cashew butter contains many healthy fats for the human body

Rich in nutrients

If comparing cashew butter vs peanut butter, in fact, cashew butter is much better, because in cashew nut contains a lot of nutrients needed by the body. Cashew butter contains a lot of amino acids, essential proteins, monounsaturated fats, and magnesium… which help maintain blood pressure, metabolism, and the body’s immune system. In addition, cashew butter contains high amounts of iron and copper that help fight anemia, and improve brain development, energy production, and the functioning of the immune system. Besides those nutrients, cashew butter also helps you feel fuller for longer, reduces cravings, and helps control weight effectively.

 Comparing cashew butter and peanut butter, in fact cashew butter is much better.

Comparing cashew butter and peanut butter, in fact, cashew butter is much better.

Vegan friendly

Cashew butter is plant-based, making it friendly for vegetarians or vegans. This type of butter provides a lot of protein for the body to replace protein foods of animal origin. Besides, cashew butter is also a great source of carotenoids and polyphenols – antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and keep the body healthy.

 Bread served with cashew butter is very suitable for vegetarians

Bread served with cashew butter is very suitable for vegetarians

How to Make Cashew Butter at Home


  • Cashews: whole cashews or broken cashews or cashew powder…
  • Coconut oil or other vegetable oil (sunflower oil, olive oil)
  • Salt, Sugar
  • Glass jar for butter

4 Steps to make cashew butter:

Step 1: Roasting cashew

Roasted nuts this is the first and most important step, you need to roast cashews with medium heat until the cashews are fragrant and the skin is gradually separated. The use of cashew nuts with silk shells will help keep the cashew kernels from burning and keep the flavor more delicious. After roasting the ripe cashews, separate the cashew nut shells thoroughly to prepare them for grinding.

Step 2: Grind cashews:

Turn to grind cashew nuts until the cashews are smooth into powder. Then, continue to add 4-5 tablespoons of coconut oil to create a thick and smooth cashew butter dish.

Step 3: Add seasoning:

After the cashew butter is completely smooth, continue to add half a teaspoon of salt and as much sugar as you like to the cashew butter mixture. Continue to blend for about 5-10 minutes for the butter mixture to blend the spices together.

Step 4: Finished products and storage:

After the finished product, cashew butter will have a smooth and viscous consistency. To preserve cashew butter for longer, you can put them in a jar of glue and store it in the refrigerator.

Types Of Recipes Combined With Cashew Butter

Cashew butter is a creamy, buttery spread that is made from ground cashews. There are many different uses for cashew butter, including:

  • Making bread: Cashew butter can be used as an all-purpose substitute for oil and butter in recipes that call for butter. It can be used in yeast breads in place of butter, as well as in quick breads and muffins.
  • Baking: Cashew butter can also be used in baking recipes. It can be substituted in cookie and cake recipes, as well as in different batters like pancake, waffle, and pancake mixes.
  • Chocolate confections: Cashew butter can be used to add a rich, creamy flavor to chocolate confections such as truffles and divinity.
  • Savory dishes: It can also be added to different sauces and dips, or used as a spread on crackers or bread. It also works well as an ingredient in many savory dishes such as Thai and Indian curries.

Cashew butter with sandwiches

Like peanut butter, you can replace cashew butter And Eat them with sandwiches to fuel up for the morning. In the content of cashew butter, there will be high-fat content to support satiety longer than peanut butter. You can also be creative with the bread with cashew butter mixed with strawberry jam to create a mouth-watering and unsavory dish.

Like peanut butter, you can eat cashew butter with bread, sandwisch

Like peanut butter, you can eat cashew butter with bread, sandwich

Using Cashew Butter to make cakes

Using cashew butter to make the cream for cookies, cashew cakes is a unique idea when whipping cream is not available at home. Cashew butter can also be used to make cakes and other pastries depending on the preferences of each person.

 Some cakes use cashews butter – Kimmy Farm Vietnam

Some cakes use cashews butter – Kimmy Farm Vietnam