The pupa is the adult stage of BSF larvae. At this stage, their bodies turn from dark brown to charcoal gray. At the same time, they will look for shady and safe places to initiate the pupal (cocoon) phase.
What Is Black Soldier Fly pupae?
BSF Pupae(also known as Cocoon, BSFP, BSF Pupa) are the final stages of development of BSF larvae before they become adults (from 23 – 37 days old). At this stage, the BSF larvae replace their mouth with a hook-like structure. Their bodies also turn from dark brown to charcoal gray. At the same time, they will look for shady and safe places to initiate the pupal (cocoon) phase.
At this stage, the BSF larvae do not eat or drink but live on the nutrients accumulated from the larval stage. They do not appear to be active, but actually, at this stage, the pupae under the cocoon shell will grow very quickly to turn into an adult black soldier fly. Thanks to the very basic changes inside, it appears quiet and motionless on the outside, but after this stage, the black soldier fly emerging from the cocoon’s shell and converting from the pupa stage to the complete BSF.
BSF Pupae are the final stages of development of BSF larvae before they become adults
What Are BSF Pupae Used For?
With extremely high nutrient content, BSF Pupae are often purchased as bird feed, aquarium fish, pureed as flour, mixed in animal feed, as food for “Swiftlets”, the food source for swiftlets in Vietnam. However, BSF contains a lot of chitin, which will inhibit nutrient absorption. The chitin content increased over time.
Black Soldier Fly’s Chitosan is much purer and lower in heavy metals than conventional chitosan. It has a low polydispersity index. The molecular weight and degree of deacetylation are tunable. Chitosan used in pharmacuetical and biomedical industries.
Black soldier fly pupa use for:
Animal Feed.
Chitin & Kitin
Chitosan made from Black Soldier Fly Pupa Cocoon shell
Type of animal that maybe can eat black soldier fly Pupae
Food for fish: Tilapia, frog, baba, basa fish, Asian Arowana, Catfish, shark …
Food for Pet: Bearded dragon, leopard gecko, Tortoises, salamanders, chameleon, and any reptile or amphibian,…BSF larvae can be the mixed food for cats, dogs, ornamental birds…
Where To Buy Black Soldier Pupae?
You Can Buy Black Soldier Fly Pupae From Vietnam, our BSF are farming from Tay Ninh, Binh Phuoc – Vietnam, where the soil & climate is most suitable for them. Kimmy’s Farm – specializes in providing products related to BSF such as BSF eggs, BSF larvae, BSF pupae, BSFL oil, BSFL Meal… We have a black soldier fly farm at the clean agricultural farming area in Binh Phuoc, Tay Ninh – Vietnam. We are a clean and modern agricultural farm with the desire to share the best with many people and develop the clean agricultural ecosystem of Vietnam. Please contact us if you are in need of supplier for BSF Pupae.
Our Contact Infomation – Kimmy’s Farm:
Phone/Zalo: 0947729829 (Ms. Hanh)
Whatapps/Viber: +84947729829 (English & VN)
BFS Farm: Ben Kinh Hamlet, Don Thuan Commune, Bau Bang District, Tay Ninh Province, Vietnam