Cashew nuts contain a lot of nutrients, mostly unsaturated fats and a significant amount of copper, manganese, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, vitamin K, vitamin E, and vitamin B… Cashew nut kernels have many good benefits for health. But if We eat too much so as not to harm our health.

=> More Info here: Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Cashew Nuts

How Many Cashews Are Good To Eat In 1 Day?

You can eat 15–30 cashews per day to provide a primary source of fat and a secondary source of protein. Not all fats are bad for you, and some can actually help keep your heart healthy. Some studies show that eating more nuts, such as cashews, may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This can happen by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels… Certain vitamins and minerals in nuts such as potassium, vitamin E, B-6 and folic acid also help fight heart disease.

=> Related Article: How To Gain Weight Quickly, Effectively With Cashew Nuts

You can eat 15–30 cashews per day to provide a primary source of fat and a secondary source of protein.

You can eat 15–30 cashews per day to provide a primary source of fat and a secondary source of protein.

How Much Cashew Nuts Do You Eat A Day?

If you eat more than 40 cashews a day is too much for the average person! If you’re an athlete, it’s a different story, because when you’re exercising, your metabolism and digestion work differently than a normal person. So, if you are an athlete, then you can eat up to 30-40 days a day, but you have to drink a lot of water (drink at least 3 liters of water/day).

You can Eat more than 40 Cashews

if you are an Athlete You can Eat more than 40 Cashews a day – Kimmy Farm Vietnam

How Many Cashew Nuts Per Day To Gain Weight?

Eating 6-12 cashews after a meal (about 30 – 40 cashew nut kernels per day) is an effective method to support the body to gain weight effectively and promote resistance.  Because cashew contains a large amount of unsaturated fat and protein, it provides an effective amount of nutrients for weight gain. Note, after a meal you should use a sufficient amount of cashews as above, and limit the use of a large number of cashews from 20 nuts or more in the evening to avoid bloating and abdominal pain.

=> For More Infomation here: 7 Secrets Tips To Eat Cashew Nuts For Weight Gain

How many cashew nuts per day to gain weight? We can Eat 35 – 40 cashew nuts/day (that means eating 6-12 cashews per meal) is an effective method to support the body to gain weight effectively and boost the immune system – Kimmy Farm Vietnam

How many cashew nuts per day to gain weight? We can Eat 35 – 40 cashew nuts/day (that means eating 6-12 cashews per meal) is an effective method to support the body to gain weight effectively and boost the immune system – Kimmy Farm Vietnam

What is The Good Time to Eat Cashew Nuts?

Studies show that consuming cashews in the morning helps you to achieve the maximum health benefits. Eating cashews with breakfast regularly can help regulate blood pressure, remove bad cholesterol and improve heart circulatory function. In addition, the ingredients in cashews also help improve fatigue and maintain energy throughout the day. You can add cashews to cereals, salads, cashew milk or smoothies. Cashew kernels can make breakfast more appealing and delicious. In addition, some studies show that consuming cashews early in the morning can prevent weight gain because they contain fats that maintain satiety longer than starch the rice.

=> Related Article: What Time To Eat Cashews Is Healthiest?

Eat cashews in the morning for the body to absorb maximum nutrients from cashews. – Kimmy Farm Vietnam

Eat cashews in the morning for the body to absorb maximum nutrients from cashews. – Kimmy Farm Vietnam