What is the NPK Symbol of Fertilizer?
NPK stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, these three macronutrients are essential for plants to form complete fertilizers. You may see these 3 letters N-P-K when reading the contents of the fertilizer bag. The fertilizer description may not explicitly say “NPK”, but you should at least see a sequence of three numbers. These numbers correspond to the nitrogen content, phosphorus content and potassium content of the fertilizer. Also implied is a percentage symbol after each number because each of the three numbers represents the percentage of that nutrient in the fertilizer’s composition.
Summary 3 letters N, P, K in fertilizer have meanings include:
- In which N refers to the nutritional element Nitrogen, also known as Protein (calculated by% Nts)
- Where P refers to the nutritional element Phosphor, or Phosphorus (calculated by% P2O5ts)
- In which K refers to the nutritional element is Potassium. (calculated as% K2Ots)
How Important Is NPK Fertilizer?
The importance of NPK for fertilizers is that the N – P – K content is often used as a measure for evaluating and comparing the nutritional levels of different fertilizers and how they provide. How many nutrients are good for plants. The higher the NPK number, the more concentrated the nutrients in the stool. For example, NPK numbers on fertilizers listed as 20-5-5 mean four times more nitrogen than phosphorus and potassium. The 20-20-20 NPK fertilizer type means the content of all three nutrients is twice as high as the 10-10-10 NPK fertilizer. Therefore, on the packaging of fertilizer products, the nitrogen, phosphor, and potassium content are clearly recorded in great detail so that the user can consider which fertilizer to use for his or her crops.
How Important Is NPK Plants?
Like humans, plants cannot grow and survive without the necessary nutrients. In addition to water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2), they also need macronutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and storage. Huynh (S). In addition, plants also need a number of trace elements such as Manganese (Mn), Bo (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Nickel (Ni), Molybdenum (Mo) and Chlorine. (Cl) …… In which the nutrients that plants need in the greatest amount are N, P and K. For that reason, they are often considered the most important nutrients. N – P – K are the three main macronutrients that plants need to supplement mainly and continuously throughout their growth cycle. They help plants improve the viability and yield of plants. In N, P, K affect the plant in details, including:
- Nitrogen element is the most important type of nutrient, making good green plants, growing the height and weight of stems and leaves, forming fruits, buds …
- Elemental Phosphor is an important nutrient that is good for rooting, flowering, improves flower formation, produces seeds more evenly, increases resistance to plant diseases, supports the development of health of tree in its entire life cycle …
- Elemental Potassium is an important nutrient that is good for the synthesis of powdered sugar, cellulose, makes the tree strong, helps the fruit grow fast, seeds plump, increases the sweetness and color of the fruit …
@Please note more: Plants always need to have all 3 elements and other trace elements to interact, form biological compounds and parts with separate functions and functions. moving back and forth to form life in a very complex way. A lack of this or other residue can cause plants to grow unevenly stunted.
The article is written by KIMMY – Kimmy Farm specializes in providing products related to BSF such as: Fly eggs, fly larvae, fly pupae, black soldier fly … A brand specializing in agricultural production and export products in Vietnam, owning black soldier fly farm in Tay Ninh and cashew growing area in Binh Phuoc. The main export products of the company are: black soldier fly products, cashew nuts, raw cashew nuts … Kimmy farm is a clean and modern agricultural farm with the desire to share the good. to many people and develop the Clean agricultural ecosystem of Vietnam. Please contact us if you are in need of supplies for BSF.

A brand specializing in the production and export of agricultural products in Vietnam. We have a black soldier fly farm in Tay Ninh and a cashew growing area in Binh Phuoc. The main export products of the company are: cashew nuts, cashew nut kernels, black soldier fly, frozen seafood, shrimp, prawns, catfish… from Vietnam.