Many recipes call for garlic, thus peeling it is a common practice to speed up the preparation phase or prepare for a large gathering. Peeling garlic cloves, especially tiny ones that can be poked with just the point of a chopstick, must drive some people crazy. Learn how easy it is to peel garlic “fast” by reading this article.
How to Choose Garlic That Will Peel Easily.
There are both simple and challenging garlic peeling methods, depending on the variety. You need to choose huge garlic bulbs with large, even cloves if you need to peel a lot of garlic. Make sure the garlic you buy isn’t porous or squeaky so that peeling it is a breeze. In particular, you want to avoid selecting garlic with a soggy exterior; instead, look for bulbs with a crisp, dry peel.

Choose garlic bulbs that feel firm in your palm while shopping; if they’re too porous or creaky, you won’t have an easy time peeling them.
Quick and Easy Methods for Peeling Garlic
Despite its many benefits, many individuals still avoid peeling garlic out of fear of the time and unpleasant after-effects that it can have on the body.
Tip 1: Crush garlic cloves before peeling
This is the most common approach because it is easy to implement. The first step in crushing garlic is to remove the bulb’s two stems. Place the garlic cloves on a cutting board and use a knife to break them; this will cause the garlic peels to separate, leaving you with only the remaining peels to remove. Instead of having to peel the garlic and then smash it, you can just utilize this method.

Crushing garlic before peeling helps you peel garlic faster
Tip 2: Peel garlic by microwave
The skin of garlic easily separates from the bulb when heated, making peeling much less of a chore. The garlic bulb’s root is cut off, and the cloves (or the bulb as a whole) are either separated or left intact before being microwaved for 10 to 15 seconds. Once the garlic has cooled, peeling it is a breeze.

Microwave the garlic for 10 to 15 seconds. Once the garlic has cooled, peeling it is a breeze.
Tip 3: Peel garlic with warm water or a hot pan
Even if you don’t have a microwave at home, you can still totally peel garlic by placing it in a bowl of warm water and placing it in a hot pan. After the garlic has been peeled and sliced into cloves, they are placed in a dish, covered with hot water, and let to sit for 10 minutes. Scoop the garlic out using a rack, then peel it like normal. Follow the same steps to get the garlic ready, then heat up the pan and place the garlic cloves on the island. After the garlic has cooled, you can peel it by hand by gently rubbing it.

After the garlic has cooled in the hot pan, you can easily peel it by your hand
Tip 4: Peeling garlic with a blender
Each individual clove of garlic is then removed from the bulb after its root is cut. The next step is to place the garlic cloves in a blender and use the slow speed setting, pressing the button a total of three times (for a total of 30 seconds) to ensure that the blender’s force removes the garlic skin. When you empty the blender’s contents into a bowl of water, the peels of the garlic will float to the surface, where you can easily scrape them off.
How to Keeping Peeled Garlic After Peeling Them
Garlic is washed and dried carefully after being peeled. Paper towel off the excess moisture from the garlic. Next, you’ll need to get ready to store the garlic in a vacuum bag or a glass jar. The garlic in the glass jar can be stored in the fridge or, if you prefer, the freezer.
Crushing garlic cloves prior to peeling them is not compatible with this method of preserving garlic. You need to use all of the crushed garlic before they lose its nutrients. By now, you should have the knowledge and skill to quickly peel garlic without wasting time or making others around you gag. However, if you don’t know how to preserve garlic, peeling it before using it can damage the garlic or cause it to lose some of its nutrients, so do it only in moderate amounts.

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